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Burial Insurance Policy Update: Useful Tips and Tricks

Update your burial insurance policy

When was the last time you reviewed your burial insurance policy? 

Life can be full of surprises, so it’s super important to make sure your plan fits you and helps your family enough.

This article is here to help you update your burial insurance plan. That way, you can feel good about your family’s future.

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure to check your burial life insurance plan regularly to make sure it still fits your needs.
  • Think about things like if your money situation or health has changed when you update your plan.
  • Choose who you want to get the money from your policy carefully, so your family gets the right support.
  • Talk to someone who knows a lot about burial insurance to help you with any changes you need to make.
  • Don’t wait! Make sure to update your burial insurance plan today. It’s important to ensure your family is looked after, and you feel calm about it..

How Burial Insurance Works

When you die, your family gets a lump-sum payment they can use for immediate expenses, like a funeral or bills.

The good news is, if you’re a New Zealand resident aged 18 to 79, many insurance companies will accept you. You usually don’t need a medical check or complicated paperwork. 

You can even get final expense insurance for your parents, but they need to agree to it and meet the criteria.

Choosing Your Coverage

You can pick how much coverage you want, from $3,000 to $30,000 (depending on the provider). 

Your family gets this as a one-time payment. How much you choose depends on your wants and needs.

Why Updating Your Burial Insurance Policy Matters

It’s really important to update your burial insurance policy for a few reasons. When you keep it current, it helps you feel secure and gives your family peace of mind. 

Here’s why it matters:

Updating your burial insurance policy is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that you have enough coverage to meet your current needs. 

Your financial situation might change over time, and your policy might need to be updated. It ensures that your loved ones won’t face any financial strain when you’re gone. 

Secondly, updating your policy allows you to keep up with inflation. 

Funeral prices usually go up as time passes, so it’s smart to change how much coverage you have. This helps keep your family safe from any surprise costs.

Thirdly, life is full of changes, including relationships. 

It’s important to review and update the beneficiary designation in your policy. It will make sure that the benefits go to the right person. 

Lastly, ensuring your policy is up-to-date means that all your info, like your personal stuff and contact details, is correct.

It helps facilitate a smooth claims process for your loved ones when the time comes.

Updating your burial life insurance policy can give your loved ones peace of mind. 

You should make sure the coverage is enough and update it to match your wishes. It helps you feel secure during tough times.

“Updating your burial insurance isn’t just about dealing with numbers and paperwork. It’s about making sure your loved ones are okay even when you’re not around anymore.”

Tips for Updating Your Burial Insurance Policy

When you update your burial insurance policy, you’re making sure you have the right coverage and your families are safe. 

Taking action early helps guarantee that everything is set up properly for you and your family.

How to update your burial insurance policy - Tips for updating your burial insurance policy

Here are some practical tips to guide you through the process:

Check Your Policy Regularly

It’s important to review your burial insurance policy from time to time to make sure it still fits your life. 

Look at things like if you’ve had any big changes, like a new family member, money changes, or if your health is different. 

This check helps you see if any updates are needed to keep your policy working for you.

Make Sure Your Beneficiaries are Right

The people you choose to get the money from your burial insurance policy are called beneficiaries. 

It’s super important to make sure these names are correct and up to date.

If you need to change anything, just get in touch with your final expense insurance company to fix it up. Also, do make sure your loved ones are looked after.

Understand Policy Terms and Conditions

Take some time to read through all the details of your burial insurance policy. Know what it covers, what it doesn’t cover, and any special rules it has. 

Understanding these things helps you make smart choices about any changes you might need to make.

Get Expert Advice

If you’re not sure about what to do with your burial insurance policy, talk to someone who knows about this stuff. 

A professional insurance consultant can give you helpful advice and guide you through any changes you want to make.

Keep Your Documents Safe

Keep all your burial insurance papers safe and easy to find. This includes things like your policy, beneficiary details, and contact info. 

Being organized helps you find what you need fast and give it to your loved ones when they need it.

By following these steps, you can make sure your burial insurance policy stays up to date and works for you. And knowing everything is in order gives you and your family peace of mind.

Update your burial insurance policy

Factors to Consider When Updating Your Burial Insurance Policy

When you’re updating your burial insurance policy, there are some important things to think about. These factors help make sure your coverage matches what you need now and keeps your family financially secure in the future.

Changes in Your Money Situation

Think about any changes in your money situation. Whether your income went up, you got new stuff, or you have more debts, your policy should match what you have now.

Health Status and Medical Considerations

Your health is also important for your burial insurance. If you’re healthier than before, you might get a cheaper price or more coverage. 

But if your health gets worse, you need to check if your current policy still covers what you need.

How Much Coverage You Need 

Consider how much coverage you need now. As life changes, like having kids or getting married, you might need more coverage to ensure your family is safe.

Ways to Pay

Burial insurance operates similarly to other insurance plans. You pay a regular premium based on factors like your age and the coverage amount. 

You can choose to pay every two weeks or every month through direct debit from your bank, or credit union. 

Alternatively, you can use Visa or Mastercard to make your payments.

Managing your Burial Insurance Checklist

Here’s a summary of the important things to check off your list:

  • Create a funeral plan and get accurate cost estimates.
  • Ensure your funeral coverage is sufficient for your wishes and any debts.
  • Select payment options that fit your budget.
  • Review your coverage annually and update your details.
  • Store your funeral insurance documents with your will and let a family member or trusted friend know where they are.

Final Thought

Ready to make sure your loved ones are financially secure? Updating your Burial Insurance policy is a crucial step. 

Regularly checking your policy, updating your coverage, and knowing your choices can give you and your family peace of mind. 

Remember, Burial Insurance is to protect your loved ones from the funeral cost. 

Interested in learning more? Request a quick quote today and explore our articles about final expenses. 

Reach out to our licensed insurance agent to get personalized guidance and create a plan that meets your needs. 


Why is it important to update your burial insurance policy?

Updating your burial insurance policy is crucial to give your loved ones proper financial protection when you pass away. 

By keeping your policy current, you can ensure it matches your current needs and situation accurately.

How much burial insurance should I have?

Many people, regardless of age, opt for around $10,000 worth of coverage to assist with their funeral expenses.

Is burial insurance worth it for seniors?

It’s worth considering a burial insurance policy for seniors:

Getting a burial insurance policy (or a small life insurance policy meant for covering final expenses) can prevent leaving behind significant debt for surviving family members.

What company has the best burial insurance?

Our top three providers for the best burial insurance are:

  • Mutual of Omaha for its instant online application and coverage.
  • State Farm for its top-rated customer satisfaction.
  • Ethos for its guaranteed acceptance.

Is burial insurance a good investment?

Burial insurance lets you pay in advance for funeral and burial expenses. It makes a good option for those without other debts or expenses to settle after passing away. 

While you can set aside money for your funeral or burial in your will, be mindful that these funds may not be available to your family immediately.

What is a final expense burial policy?

Final expense life insurance, also known as burial insurance, covers end-of-life costs like funeral arrangements. 

Also, any outstanding medical or legal expenses to be settled by your beneficiary.

Additional Resources

  1. Burial Insurance Coverage 
  2. How Burial Insurance Works 
  3. Eligible for Burial Insurance
  4. Burial Insurance for Siblings
  5. Life Insurance Claims Process

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